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Pottery Wheel, Hand Building, CLAY Dates!


Pottery Wheel Try-It Sessions

Our Try-It Sessions are instructor-led, offered daily, and suitable for beginners!

This 1.5 hour includes demonstration and instructor availability, two 1.5 lb clay balls to be made into two unique pieces, and glaze color options for each piece the day of. Afterwards, we will trim, bisque-fire, glaze, and glaze-fire your pieces, which will be ready for pickup in eight days.

Ages 12+ only.

Hand-Building DIY sessions

Build, sculpt, and mold your masterpiece by hand with our DIY hand-building sessions!

This service includes a brief demo covering project requirements and three methods of hand-building, 1 lb of clay per maker, and 1.5 hours of access to the studio space and equipment, as well as bisque-firing, glazing, and glaze-firing of your pieces.

Suitable for all ages!